Spanish Tapas

About us

Hello, and welcome to Proper Spanish Tapas, this website is the result of our love of the Spanish way of life. We are Steve and Carole and we spend as much time as we possibly can in southern Spain.

spanish tapasThis has allowed us to get out there and discover more about Spain and the Spanish way of life. We have been fortunate enough to meet some lovely people and sample some pretty outstanding local food.

Neither of us are from a professional foody background but both of us love to cook and both of us love Spanish food. In the course of our travels, the seed was sown in our minds about the possibilities of creating a website about our favourite part of Spanish culture: Tapas.

tapas viewI started working on the site in early 2006 and it took about six to seven months to do all the research and get everything up together. The site went live in September 2006. Obviously, over the years I've been adding to it and tweaking it for SEO purposes, and it now sits at the top of Google fairly regularly.

As a website designer, I wanted to see if I could get it there, partly for my own satisfaction and partly to show my clients that I know my stuff when it comes to helping them with their websites. To see what I might be able to do for you, please go to my Website Design website and have a look around.

Since doing the website I have also written my book featuring the traditional tapas recipes which are found in almost any bar you care to go into in Spain. This is available in paperback and ebook format and is also a frequent category best-seller on Amazon. At only £2.99, I think you'll agree it's a bit of a steal!

Drop us a line and say hello on the contact us page. We'll be happy to answer any queries you may have.

We hope you enjoy the site.

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